Oracle Database 12c R2
Database 12c R2: RAC Administration Ed 2
This Oracle Database 12c R2: RAC Administration training teaches you about Oracle RAC database architecture. Explore Global Resources and Cache Fusion and more. In this course, you will be introduced to Oracle Database Exadata Cloud Service.
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MariaDB Training
MariaDB Training is a community-developed work of the MySQL relational database management system intended to remain free under the GNU GPL. Development is guide by some of the original developers of MySQL, who forked it due to concerns over its acquisition by Oracle Corporation. Contributors are needed to share their copyright with the MariaDB Foundation.
MariaDB Training plan to maintain high compatibility with MySQL, MySQL DBA Training, ensuring a drop-in replacement capability with library binary parity and exact matching with MySQL APIs and commands. It contains the XtraDB storage engine for replacing InnoDB, as well as a new storage engine, Aria, that intends to be both a transactional and non-transactional engine perhaps even included in future versions of MySQL, MySQL DBA Training.
Its guide developer is Michael "Monty" Widenius, one of the founders of MySQL AB and the founder of Monty Program AB. On 16 January 2008, MySQL AB announced that it had agreed to be acquired by Sun Microsystems for approximately $1 billion. The acquisition completed on 26 February 2008. MariaDB is named after Monty's younger daughter Maria, similar to how MySQL is named after his other daughter my.